RAM Explained!
RAM Explained! What is RAM? H ow does RAM work? And why is it so important that we have this in our computers? Often times when I’m trying to explain how RAM works, I’ve found that it’s called something different by different people. Personally, I use the word “RAM”, while I’ve also heard another popular form as “Memory”, or “Memory Sticks”. While I see where the word “Memory” comes from (granted RAM stands for “Random Access Memory”), it’s also a subject that isn’t well understood. Understanding RAM comes from thorough studying into some very complicated technology. What is RAM exactly? Let's take a look at how RAM works in computer. Random Access Memory RAM is essentially a super fast, high speed storage that your computer and its applications utilize to store and access temporary data. It can be thought of like a computer's short term memory. It works by storing common data that programs are in constant use of, rather than storing the data on a much slow...